Q: What are your shipping options within the united states?

A: We currently ship via USPS. Shipping is free on orders over $50. All other orders will have shipping calculated at checkout based on the weight of the order and the address it is being delivered to.

Note, due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, you may experience slight delays. We offer you the option of shipping providers at checkout. All orders with free shipping are shipped via USPS. 

Q: How do i track my order?

A: Once your ordered is processed you will receive your tracking number via email or text depending on the contact method that was entered at checkout.  

Q: What is considered a final sale?

A: All swimwear, bodysuits and clearance items are final sale. 

Q: My coupon code is not working. why?

A: If you are having difficulties with your coupon code please contact us as the code may no longer be valid. Please note that coupon codes cannot be combined with any other current offers, sales, or promotions. 

 Q: I've just placed my order, can i change it?

A: Please send us an email as soon as possible if you would like to change something in your order. Please note that we cannot ensure that the item you would like to exchange for will still be available.